

by readouts

Cell migration

Confine migration in 2D or 3D to facilitate tracking, mimic migration through tissues, and study chemotaxis

Cell organization & phenotype

Restrict cell adhesion in 2D to promote differentiation or improve reproducibility of your assays

Cell differentiation

Drive cell differentiation by controlling substrate stiffness and confining cells in 2D and 3D

Cell-cell interaction

Confine your cells in 2D to better image interaction between one or more cell type

Cell contractility

Quantify the contractility of cells on gels or micropillars

Cell membrane events

Mimic phagocytosis, Observe endo- or exocytosis, and generate exosomes

Mitosis & nucleus related events

Quantify nucleus fragility and the ability of the cell to perform mitosis under stress


Analysis of the cell-cell contact by click chemistry technology

Cell volume

Accurately measure the volume of your cells

Other readouts

Spheroid formation, blood vessel formation, neuromuscular junction and more