Other cell types

Other cell types applications


Mesenchymal stem cells assay

Control cell fate and differentiation


Mesenchymal stem cells assay

Control cell fate and differentiation


Mesenchymal stem cells assay

Control cell fate and differentiation

Endothelial cells

Endothelial tubulogenesis assay

Improved endothelial cell tubules formation

Ciliated cells

Primary cilium assay

Cell shape control for ciliogenesis regulation


Attached spheroïds assay

Improved manipulation and observation of spheroïds

3D Liver canaliculi assays

Spheroid formation in 3D gels

Migrating cells

Cell migration assay

Analysis of mechanisms occurring during migration

Durotaxis and haptotaxis assay

Control of substrate stiffness

Chemotaxis assays

Analysis of cell behaviors and cell migration in confined spaces