Coculture assay

Analysis of the cell-cell contact by click chemistry technology


Micropatterns (Dynamic)


Cell-cell contact, cells interaction


In standard conditions, the simplest co-culture system that permits physical contact between cells consists of a mixed monolayer of the cell types of interest. However, one limitation is the metabolic differences between cell types. Moreover, the relative contribution of each cell population to any observed effects is not readily discernible in this model. [1]. 


With the 4Dcell assay, your coculture is controlled in both space and time. Briefly, you plate your first cell type and let them fill the available area. Then, after the trigger, the second cell type can be added and will subsequently fill the newly available area. This technique benefits from the fact that the “second” cells are quick to adhere from solution, whereas the “first” cells are relatively slow to spread and migrate onto the newly available surface. [2]. 


Organization of the different cell types [3]

U2OS cells on 200 µm disks (green) were seeded. After the cells filled the disks completely, RPE1 cells (red) were added.

Then, fluorescent microscopy was used to analyze the organization of the cells.

coculture microscopy images