Cells are cultured on substrates containing topographic features, micropillars, with a specific stiffness. The micropillars can either be distributed in high density to create a map of the force applied by the cell (Traction force microscopy) or their size and arrangement can be of cell size thus being useful to measure the global contractile force of a single cell.
> The deflection of PDMS pillars enables force sensing
> The stiffness of the PDMS micropillars is controlled by their size (Durotaxis)
> Several micropillars geometries and arrangements available
> Single cell force mapping (Traction Force Microscopy)
> Controllable bio-functionalization
> Available on 35 mm Petri dishes
> Compatible with high-resolution optical microscopy systems

Force sensing, migration assays with substrate stiffness control (durotaxis), Traction Force Microscopy, etc

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